Body Contouring

Can You Get Rid of Cellulite?

What is Cellulite & Can You Treat It?

Let’s chat about something nearly all of us deal with but seldom talk about openly—cellulite. You know, that dimpled, textured skin that tends to show up on our hips, thighs, and buttocks. Believe it or not, it’s as normal as having hair or freckles. In fact, nearly 90% of women experience cellulite at some point in their lives. It’s not a flaw; it’s simply part of being human. If you’re curious about ways to minimize its appearance for your own comfort and confidence, we’ve got you covered with some helpful insights and tips!

What Exactly Is Cellulite?

Think of cellulite as your skin’s way of cushioning and storing fat in specific areas, usually where the skin is thinner—like your thighs and booty. It occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin, creating that characteristic dimpled effect. It’s totally harmless and more common among women, thanks to our unique fat distribution and hormonal makeup.

Why Do We Get Cellulite?

Dealing with cellulite can sometimes feel like solving a mystery, but understanding why it appears can help us manage it better. Here are the usual suspects:

  • Genetics: Just like your eye color, your genetic makeup can influence your likelihood of developing cellulite.
  • Hormonal Factors: Hormones play a big part in cellulite formation. Think estrogen, insulin, and thyroid hormones, which all have their roles.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Your activity level, diet, and even how much water you drink can influence cellulite’s visibility.
  • Age: Over time, our skin loses elasticity, which can make any uneven fat distribution more noticeable.

How Can I Reduce Cellulite?

While completely zapping cellulite isn’t possible (because hey, we’re all wonderfully human), certain lifestyle changes can definitely help reduce its appearance:

  • Eat Well: Incorporate more fruits, veggies, fibers, and whole grains into your meals. Less saturated fat and fewer sugars can help manage fat levels and, consequently, cellulite.
  • Move More: Regular exercise, especially activities that strengthen and tone your muscles, can improve blood circulation and help firm up those areas.
  • Stay Hydrated: Water is your best friend. It helps keep your skin hydrated and supple, making cellulite less noticeable.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking doesn’t do your skin any favors. It can damage connective tissue, leading to stronger cellulite dimpling.

RF Microneedling Can Help Treat Cellulite

If lifestyle changes aren’t cutting it and you’re looking for more proactive solutions, RF microneedling could be just what you’re looking for. This innovative treatment combines the rejuvenating power of microneedling with the firming benefits of radiofrequency energy. Here’s the scoop:

  • The Process: During RF microneedling, tiny needles create micro-punctures in the skin, which kickstarts your body’s natural healing process and boosts collagen production. Then, radiofrequency energy is sent deep into the skin to heat and tighten the tissue. RF microneedling also improves circulation within enlarged fat compartments, which contracts collagen fibers and reduces the appearance of superficial cellulite. Although each treatment is effective, a series of three to six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart is recommended to achieve optimal results.
  • Why We Love It: This double-action treatment not only smooths out cellulite by improving skin elasticity but also revitalizes your skin’s overall texture and tone.
  • Safe and Sound: Known to be safe for all skin types, RF microneedling can be customized to focus on your specific areas of concern. 

Cellulite is normal

Remember, having cellulite is perfectly normal, and wanting to reduce its appearance is completely okay, too. It’s all about what makes you feel happy and confident in your skin. Whether through lifestyle changes or treatments like RF microneedling, the choice is yours. The goal? To feel fabulous in your own skin—cellulite or not!

Want to learn more about RF microneedling and other treatments, such as Thermage, that can reduce the appearance of cellulite? Contact one of our treatment specialists here


  1. “Radiofrequency Microneedling: A Comprehensive and Critical Review,” Dermatologic Surgery, June 2021.